
Normally, deliveries leave us within 2 working days. Within the UK, our standard service is Royal Mail 24 Tracked. Please note we are not able to accept overseas orders.

While every care is taken to ensure safe, on time delivery, in the real world occasionally things do go wrong. In the case of a damaged or lost delivery, please get in touch and your items will either be dispatched again, or your payment refunded. Please retain any items that are delivered in damaged condition as we may need to present them to the shipper to support an insurance claim. Please note that in the case of a damaged, lost or missing delivery, we MUST be notified within 30 days of dispatch, as this is the cut-off time for making claims against our couriers.

Replacement or refunds for lost or damaged items are dependant upon successfully claiming compensation from Royal Mail, so please make sure you have all the evidence to had in case we need to present it.

Personal callers are welcome by appointment to collect their items. Please let us know when you intend to call so that we can make sure there is someone here.